HomePhonesBlackberry Has Got Great Worldwide Appeal

Blackberry Has Got Great Worldwide Appeal

The first phone manufacture that springs to mind is Blackberry for its global presence. Not the most popular mobile phone brand in the work yet, but when you look down any high street the world over you will see most people that need a mobile for more than looks and gizmos owns a blackberry !


Whats the big deal on blackberry you might think ?

These phones have class, presence and stature. When you see someone with a blackberry instantly you form an opinion. The opinion you normally have is a good one !

Yet so many of us (including me) still think blackberry and business go hand in hand. If your looking for a new handset, do consider a blackberry prior to jumping in for the latest touch phone or something along this line. So that within 2 weeks of your buying the phone you don’t consider it to be a boring phone !

In the US there are many mobile deals to have on this brand. For example, Sprint & Verizon, which are offering lucrating deals for blackberry and the handsets are now no longer only seen around Wall Street ! In the UK,mobile deals for blackberry are best from Vodafone. However Orange also offer good deals.

Where ever you live, what every your need for a mobile, check out blackberry before you make your final choice for a mobile phone. So that you don’t regret your decision after a while !

This being said, do let us know your view point regarding blackberry phones and their usability.


  1. I agree with you completely, till the time I bought Blackberry Curve 8520 myself I used to think of them as mundane and overpriced business phones.

    Now that I have been using it for 3 months now with its Push Email service, I’ll say its the best mobile, they are very fast and quick, the user interface does not lag at all compared to even higher end Nokia phones I’ve ever used. Its very simple and intuitive.

    I wonder how I was using some other phone since all this while. BlackBerry is something which grows on you.

    You need to spend time with these beautiful calm devices, they are splendid and very powerful. What is required is some patience to get used to the BlackBerry way.

    Its not a phone. Its a Blackberry
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