HomeBusinessCricket Lovers Can Interact With Dwayne Bravo & Kieron Pollard Via LG...

Cricket Lovers Can Interact With Dwayne Bravo & Kieron Pollard Via LG Tweet Activity

LG is doing #MyCricketMyVoice activity with Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard today and tomorrow. Dwayne Bravo will be interacting today from 8PM to 10PM and Kieron Pollard tomorrow at the same time. If you have any questions, please ask them :

Activity with Dwayne Bravo:

17th June

Tweet 1:
Share what cricket means to you with Dwayne Bravo @Newbigdog from11AM-8PM (IST) use #MyCricketMyVoice he will respond & RT his fav ones

Tweet 2:

Share your passion for cricket #CT13 with Dwayne Bravo @Newbigdog from 11AM-8PM (IST) use #MyCricketMyVoice and join the cheer!

Tweet 3:
Got #ct13 cricket related questions? Share them with @Newbigdog from 11AM-8PM (IST). Use #MyCricketMyVoice he will RT & Reply his Fav ones

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Activity with Kieran Pollard:

18th June

Tweet 1:

Share your opinions, views & questions on cricket #ct13 with @KieronPollard55 using # MyCricketMyVoice from 11AM-8PM (IST) he will RT & reply

Tweet 2:
Share your love for cricket #ct13 and exchange cricket tips with @KieronPollard55 using #MyCricketMyVoice from 11AM-8PM (IST) ) he will respond & RT best ones

Tweet 3:
Time to claim you are a passionate Cricket fan #ct13! Tweet with #MyCricketMyVoice  @KieronPollard55 will RT & Reply from11AM-8PM (IST)

It will be fun to share your views and get answers to your cricketing questions from above two dashing stalwarts of West Indies cricket team.


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