HomeComputingData Recovery - Basic Things To Be Kept In Mind

Data Recovery – Basic Things To Be Kept In Mind

Backing up of data is of the utmost importance these days when the virus and malware attacks are on the surge. Backing is especially important for those who work on computers. People who are involved in IT jobs online are well aware of the importance of backing up the data. Although backing up of data isn’t a rocket science and for the layman it just involves copying (from source) & pasting (external disk) the data but there are few points that need to be kept in mind while backing up data. In this post i am listing down some Do’s and Dont’s for efficient data backup so that you are always in a win-win situation in case of computer crash.

Things To Be Remembered :

  • Backup the Data whenever you can – This does not mean that after every second you are backing up data. By “whenever” i mean a set period of time. If you are a regularly using your computer for creating/editing/saving files then set a more backup frequency, say 3 days. And if you are a casual surfer creating/editing/saving files once in a blue moon then a backup frequency of a 14 days will be just fine.
  • Self Diagnosis – In case of a computer crash or erroneous computer, try to find out a solution by yourself. It isn’t always necessary that every-time your computer crashes you are going to loose data.  If you feel that something went wrong with your computer, just google the problem and try to fix the problem. { TIP : If you hear a pee, clunk sound, just shut down your computer other than being afraid of what is happening.}
  • Proper Packaging – If you believe that your hard drive has certainly crashed and needs a computer expert then make sure that you have packed your computer well before taking it to a data recovery specialist. If it is a poor packaging, there is chance to loss something from your hard drive.
  • Basic Data Recovery Software – Various basic and advanced data recovery software’s are available for recovering lost data. Although i wouldn’t recommend any novice user to use such a recovery software all by himself. But those who are aware of consequences and/or know how to use them can use them to recover data.

Things Not To Be Done :

  • Being Positive – If you have lost data then the first thing to do is to be positive. Don’t think that Data recovery is Impossible. That’s because, even after big distractions Data recovery specialist has saved the data without anything being missing!
  • Handle Hard Drive With Care – You are not a data recovery expert so stay away from operating your hard drive. Hard drive is not something to play with. Make sure you don’t remove the cover of Hard Drive, it may cause data loss in one way or other.
  • Avoid Using Data Recovery Software’s – Yes, i know i suggested this in “Things To Be Remembered” but it was only suggested to those with knowledge of data recovery and know the consequences of a failed effort. Those who have no idea what these programs are and what do they do, Do not attempt data recovery with commonly available software utility programs.
  • General Precautions
    • Do not place your computer in a simple piece of furniture. It can cause damage by shock, etc.
    • Keep the temperature in an average mood, not too cool nor too hot.
    • If your computer fell into water, fire or even smoke, just make a call to a data recovery professional before taking any other steps.



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