HomePhonesHTC May Announce Windows 8 Phones On 19th Sep, 2012 In USA

HTC May Announce Windows 8 Phones On 19th Sep, 2012 In USA

After Samsung and Nokia, HTC has joined the bandwagon of Windows 8 smartphones. Samsung announced its Ativ S Windows 8 smartphone in IFA, Berlin and Nokia will be announcing its new range of Lumia devices on Windows 8 OS  in few hours from now. How can HTC remain behind in this Windows 8 phone race; they have decided to jump into this arena also. According to a blogsite HTC has sent out media invite for September 19 press event saying “Join HTC to see what’s next”. This media event will take place in New York.

At this event, HTC is expected to reveal its three smartphones on Windows 8 platform. These phones may be named  the Zenith, Accord and Rio. As their name suggests, the Zenith smartphone will be high-end device, the Accord will be mid-level and the Rio will be entry-level devices.

HTC’s invite does not mention that the new devices on Windows 8 OS would be announced but it has become a tradition nowadays among the handsets makers to keep everybody guessing till the last moment what will be announced and give vague hint on their invite for various presumptions. Since the symbol at the bottom somewhat hints at the Metro design of the OS and there is no trace of  Android logo on the invite, it is being presumed that new devices would be on Windows 8. Moreover, it is Windows 8 season and HTC was rumoured to be developing new Windows 8 phones and hence it is logical also that new devices would be Windows 8 devices.

In the days to come, we expect to hear more announcements of Windows 8 smartphones. Next in line could be China based company – Huawei. Watch out for this sapce if you are fans of Windows phones!


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