HomePhonesNeither Microsoft Nor Huawei Are Interested To Buy Nokia - Reports

Neither Microsoft Nor Huawei Are Interested To Buy Nokia – Reports

Nokia’s Windows smartphones are not making the headway the way the company has envisioned and its market share is going down drastically. Nokia, once regarded as the market leader in mobility business, has lost its path against emergence of Android and iPhones. This is the reason that the other companies are not interested to by sinking ship of Nokia, which still has the capacity to manufacture the best hardware as far as smartphones are concerned.

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As reported by the Wall Street Journal on its online edition, Microsoft has rejected a deal to buy Nokia because of price and Nokia’s loss of market share to rising Asian competitors. Representatives of both companies declined to  comment on this issue. Nokia’s smartphones exclusively use Microsoft Windows Phone software, under a deal the two companies struck two years ago.

A few days ago, many reports appeared in the media that Chinese giants Huawei and Lenovo have shown interest to buy Nokia’s business, but this rumor has been denied by the top management of Huawei and Lenovo. Huawei is one of the largest manufacturers of Android smartphones in China and globally also its recent launch of Ascend Mate 6.1 is getting rave reviews. It is obvious that Huawei will not invest in a company, which has put all its stakes in the basket of Microsoft’s new Windows mobile platform. Lenovo is also catching up fast with its mobile devices business.

It is sad that Nokia has the best know-how to manufacture solid and state-of-the art hardware for smartphones and has invested all its resources to run its devices on new Windows mobile platform, which is not as popular as Android or proprietary iOS platform of Apple Inc. It is ironical that the companies like Huawei and Lenovo, which had no previous experience of manufacturing mobile devices, have now considerable share in mobility segment, because they have adopted trusted and popular Android OS in their smartphones unlike Nokia.

It is also strange that even Microsoft is not showing much interest to buy Nokia mobile business despite the fact that Nokia has blindly trusted Windows OS for its smartphones, which is the major reason of its downfall. The story would have been different if Nokia had run Windows OS and Android OS in select smartphones. But that was not to be and now they are waiting for who will come to their rescue in this hour of deep crisis! Nokia has got disconnected from the people at large.


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