Nokia, although moved on to Windows Mobile as an OS for it’s future mobile phone’s, has released a big update for symbian S60 3rd Edition and S60 5th Edition running mobile phones. This update, available in the form of a phone firmware update brings some much needed additions/improvements to Nokia devices. Besides enhancing the basic usability of Nokia phone, some of the common, worth mentioning additions are:
- New web browser (updated to version with better page rendering, multiple tab support, HTML 5 & Javascript 1.8, same as that supplied with Symbian Anna.
- Updated Ovi Maps to version 3.6 (3.4 for s60v3)
- Emoticons for SMS and MMS i.e your text and multimedia messages will liven up!
- Swipe to Unlock screen with big clock (Looks sexy!)
Update is available for following S60v3 devices:
- Nokia E72
- Nokia E52
- Nokia E5
- Nokia C5
- Nokia 6700 (slide)
Update is available for following S60v5 devices:
- Nokia C6
- Nokia 5230
- Nokia 5235
- Nokia 5250
- Nokia X6
- Nokia N97 mini
- Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- Nokia 5530 XpressMusic
For Nokia 5230, this update (to version 50.0.001) was available in form of phone software update and was marked as important. You’ll have to get this firmware update using the latest OVI Suite on your computer, it cannot be installed using OTA method.
If you come across any other significant improvement after upgrading your phone software then do share with me via comments below.
Paritosh ji, can you help me on Software update for N82 & other Apps like Call recorder etc. I had Nokia 2600 which had melody maker & SMS options like send later etc but even these simple thinggs are not available on N82, supposed to be a very goog phone.
Try Nokia’s developer forum. You’ll find plenty of help regarding application development on Symbian platform.
Good luck!
hi Paritosh,
I have Nokia 5800 xm and i have updated it recently but I am not getting any options for Emoticons for SMS and MMS in my phone….. can you please help me out with it….!
well any body can help how to make Nokia S60v3 applications,
i want to make some certain apps wich helps,
coz some are available for FP1 devices only & not 4 FP2
can anybody say what to do???????
Some of the additions are:
1. Symbian anna web browser.
2. Swipe to unlock screen.
3. Emoticons.
BTW all of these have been shared above.
Thanks Paritosh. Better wait for some more time
Any idea..whats new in v32 update ? if you can write a brief on that, it will be great for the users. Thanks for the blog !! 
Hey, i need a dictionary for my nokia 5800 becoz the inbuilt dictionary doesnt provides a lot of words, it has Very Limited words..
And i need a good dictionary that should be comprises of a treasure of words ..
So plz paritosh, Help Mee !!
As I have been saying before, it takes time for Nokia to push updates for phone all over the world. Some regions get it sooner than others. There are instances when certain update might not be pushed for specific countries, happened with Nokia 5230. If you WANT this update then the best way is to contact Nokia customer care and ask them about tentative date.
Hi Paritosh
No update for Nokia X6 16gB, i can see that nokia has mentioned the update v32 on their website. but neither my phone software updater nor the latest ovi suite shows any update available !! do you know what can be the issue ?
Updates are pushed region-wise/operator-wise, etc. Wait for the update, you’ll get it soon.
I’ve heard that a new firmware is out for Nokia X6 RM-559 v32.0.0.2. Seems to be a heavy one (Around 120MB) . I wonder why I am not able to find it in software update list. Couldn’t find it either with Nokia OVI Suite. (Current version : v31.0.004)
I am confused, whether trying updating with NaviFirm could result in a loss of obtaining future updates. May be I should wait.
When will this update for nokia 5800 will be available?
Hey,i hav the latest ovi suit bt still it does not show the firmware update..what to do?
Wait for some more time. An update should be available. Keep an eye on software updater application installed in your phone to see if any update is available.
Hey ..
Wanna know dat any nokia 5800 xm user has updated his/her phone sucessfully..
Is the update available??
Because my ovi suit is not showing the update though i hv the latest ovi suit but still unsucessful..!! O.o
i reinstalled the ovi suite , and problem is solved now
No. He was the first one to face this problem.
i had no problems of this sort on updating via p.c before, do others also facing this problem.
Connect with modem. That’s the only safe way out.
now my ovi suite is showing no internet connection when i clicked install phone software but it is connected.
i’m connecting internet to pc through my phone only.
what to do.
i got that update now
how much time it will take to update ?
i’m using ovi suite
Make sure you are using the latest version of Nokia Ovi Suite. Besides this I can’t think of a reason why you aren’t getting the update.
ya but it is showing option of update via pc and ovi suite is not showing any phone update available.
Nokia 5230, in India has received firmware update. Check your phone software app in your phone and see if Phone update is popping up there.
I’m using Nokia 5230
Nokia doesn’t push the update for all phones at once. Wait for the firmware update to be pushed for your device. Also, which phone are you using?
the software updater of my ovi suite is showing an update for Adobe flash lite but in my phone’s SW update is not showing that.
Restore your phone to factor settings, take out external memory card and then do firmware update.
P.S: Download latest version of Nokia Ovi Suite i.e 3.1.
ya, phone is working fine,its still has previous version.tried many times. on every usb of my laptop.same error
Are you able to switch on your phone?
hello,paritosh hope u could help. i am getting an error regarding device recovery at the last stage of software instal.followed the instruction tht were shown, switch off\on the phone ,then connect the usb again, but again same error.
Damn it…
HD means High Definition, such games require hardware acceleration which low end mobile phone’s cannot provide.
Open Software updater application and see if any updates are available.
I just installed raging thunder 2 hd game (19mb) and it too refused to run/open on my nokia 5233. So does this mean that any game with the word HD in their title wont run on my phone?
Any phone under a budget of 10k which can run games like that?
hai i want e63 updates pls and other details abouts e63 …..thanks
Asphalt 5 is basically meant to run on Omnia HD, which is a symbian device.
well then why that’s being displayed as for s60v5? And what platform its supposed to run on if not symbian?
You must have confused it with something else. Anyway, the game is not meant to run on s60v5 phone i.e 5233, 5230, N97. But you can still give it a try. Download using this link:
Try and reinstall phone software and this time use Ovi Suite. This actually never happens unless you disconnect phone in between update.
any news about that BIG game’s size thing Paritosh?
sure. many other sites also show the size as this big.
after doing this update via nokia software updater, my phone is not switchin on!!!!
144 MB for a mobile is really big. Can you share the link? I’ll see if it works or not.
I don’t think so. You should be fine with that. And using internet connectivity of the device you are updating is not recommended bu you can try. I see no harm in doing so.
Depends on your Internet connection. On a 512 Kbps broadband connection it’ll take approx 40 minutes.
i want firmware update for nokia s60v2(6681 without video calling)
Thanks for your answers.
By the way today i saw asphalt 5 hd game, thought to download but the size was whopping 144mb. Are these games really that big? Will my phone nokia 5233 be able to run that?
will it be a problem if i am trying to update my phone using software updater of Nokia PC suite instead of OVI suite???
also will it be a problem if i use the internet connection of the same phone which i have to update??
ok.. How much time taking for update ?
The process is easy, video tutorial won’t be necessary buddy
Just leave a comment here if you get stuck somewhere.
please tell me prosses how can i update..? Upload video.. Dude..
In that case go ahead with upgrade
BTW SMS’s, Contacts, etc are also saved in phone memory.
I have nothing special in pbone memory. . . .
Yes! But it’s better that you update it yourself. Giving it to Nokia care and processing your request will take time (usually a week).
No, removing memory card will not safeguard data store in phone memory. You need to backup phone memory too.
I didn’t notice this. Thanks for the input!
if i give 5230 to nokia care for update ? Tn can i get same features?
thanks but can i just remove the memory card instead of backing up? And is the installation update process insured of net disconnections?
yeah would really like to see this feature..
another great feature for 5230 is “slide to unlock” ,as seen in nokia c6-01
Hey Ady!
Nokia pushes such software updates in a fixed patter i.e region wise, model wise, operator wise etc. Please wait for it. And believe me, it’s worth waiting for if you are into texting or mobile web browsing
1. Install ovi suite on your pc.
2. Backup your mobile phone.
3. Check for new software/firmware update (ovi suite should do this automatically and notify you).
4. If a phone update is available, install it. It’s of approx 148 MB size so be patient.
I hope you’ll now be able to update your Nokia easily
This update will be available for the models mentioned above. But the time taken for Nokia to push this update for a particular device cannot be commented on. I’ll suggest you to be patient and wait for it
i appriciate you concern Mr. Paritosh.
i own a X6 and a 5250.
i’v tried the ovi suite method, the nokia software updater too
but it tells me that there are no software updates available. plz if you could help me out.. i think the same prob. is face by Mr.Shivam…
I see this update but dont understand the update method ie update via pc. pls enlighten me on this with the required steps.
im quite new to symbian.
Hi Paritosh,
thanks for the wonderful post.
I have Nokia 5800 Xpress Music, I just check out my version and found out its V 52.0.007
Also when i checked for update. It gave me no updates available.
Can you confirm me when will be these updates be available for Black version of the phone.