HomeAppsnUnLock: Iphone Style Slide Unlock Screen For Symbian

nUnLock: Iphone Style Slide Unlock Screen For Symbian

Paying money for your mobile doesn’t assure you of an all function inclusive mobile device and Nokia 5230/5800/5233 (and other OS 9.4 phones) are no exception. The unlock key as provided in Nokia Touch phone’s isn’t the most adorable feature. Many users including me aren’t happy with the slide lock as regular use may result in its breakage and/or malfunctioning. And because of this reason i previously shared with you PocketLock (You can read about it here). There is a similar utility called nUnlock which does the same function but is one step ahead. nUnlock, a product of ThinkChange, when enabled, shows a home-screen instead of the usual default Nokia screen with an on-screen shiny unlock slider.


nUnLock Home-screen example on Nokia 5230

nUnlock is a nifty mobile application for Full touch phone’s devised to avoid the usage of physical slide lock/unlock button. nUnlock installs on phone memory and because the installation size is small, it doesn’t put a strain on the already depleting memory (as in my case). The usage is pretty basic, activate it and next time when you lock your device, a new display will be shown with a shiny unlock slider at the bottom of screen (use your finger/thumb to slide it for unlocking). As far as configuration of the application is concerned, it has a lot to offer viz. Ability to choose background, degree of transparency, text colour, Slider sensitivity, Auto start, etc. Everything is straight forward, nothing much to explain about. All in all it’s a good application if you are tired of using the side lock button and a must have for those whose mobile phone’s lock button isn’t in a working condition.

My Opinion

Though a good application but the only problem that i faced and defeated the purpose of owing this application was it’s ability to ONLY unlock the device (though there is an option to Auto Lock but not everyone uses it.) i.e there is no way/gesture to lock it using this application which makes me, as a user, still dependent on the lock button. And because of this reason, it cannot be used a replacement for the side lock button which was not in case of PocketLock. Plus, the full working version of nUnlock is paid and costs 4.99 $ . However, this being said, i would still recommend you to use this useful mobile application just because it gives a shows an appealing home-screen and if used properly with Auto Lock functionality can be of great use!

You can download the latest version of Symbian nUnLock from their official website here.


  1. Hi, Puneet can u snd me complt version of that iphone style slide unlock screen..
    my e-mail is i’ll b very great full to u..

  2. hi,
    where can i get this software for free?? is it possible that u snd me through mail if u have that??

  3. satshriakal paaji, do we have an iphone theme for nokia 5233 ? i mean, u know in iphone there are many pages of icons in the menu, which we push sideways. i tried many themes but all were fake, fake means, all were single page. i hope u understand by the word PAGE. eg: in nokia 5233, we only have a single page (12 icons, once we click the menu button).
    I request you to send me a good iphone theme thats suits my needs. Rest, u r wonderful. I checked ur blogs, those were amazing. Keep Bloging, Rabb Rakha

  4. Once you install the app, just open it, configure as per your needs and that’s it! To bring up the nUnlock lock screen lock your phone using the side lock and the nUnlock screen will appear.

  5. Hi! I have a relative that has a nokia 5230. I installed the slide unlock but I don’t know how to avtivate it> Can you please help me, thank you

  6. Buddy am not sharing trying that involve breaking the protocols/code of mobile internet service providers. All the tricks shared on TechVorm make use of the unfixed bugs/loop holes in their respective systems.

  7. Hey paritosh i am sorry if it seems like i am arguing but the GPRS Hacks u share is the same thing………:(

  8. Hi,

    I am deepak kumar. I am electronics engineer. I need a scientific calculator app for Nokia 5233. Do you know about one. The website is very good. I would like to use the same theme on my website deepakkr.isgreat.org/ . waiting for a quick response.

    deepak kumar


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