HomeEditorialPC Gets Relief From CBI Court - Congress Feels Happy! Rather They...

PC Gets Relief From CBI Court – Congress Feels Happy! Rather They Should Be Ashamed!

Judge OP Saini of CBI court dismissed appeal against P.Chindaram as he was not involved in criminal activities in awarding 2G Licences when he was Finance Minister and A Raja was telecom minister, who is behind bars. Congress party is rejoicing on this judgement but they have forgotten that petitioner of this case – Subramanyan Swamy – is not satisfied with this judgement and is in the process of going to high court for reversal of the decision.

Question is not that what will happen later on but the question is what has happened so far. The other day Supreme Court cancelled 122 2G Licenses awarded by Telecom Ministry in a dubious manner and criticised PMO for this state of affairs, which is very sad reflections on the functioning of UPA government. Had we been in older days then any sensible and self-respecting Prime Minister and his Cabinet must have resigned taking moral responsibility. Sadly, we are in awful time where moral values and conscience of our polity have vanished in the thin air. They just want to cling to their powerful chairs and least bothered about welfare of society or country. They will not leave their cushy and money-minting seats until they are booted out of power.

Why Congress party is rejoicing? Have they forgotten that their ex-cabinet minister- A.Raja is languishing in jail for the last one year and facing serious charges of  corruption and looting the exchequer. Have they forgotten that their ministers and chief ministers are involved in umpteen number of scams. Had they been normal human beings, they would have disappeared from public life but they are celebrating! What a mockery of law and the standards being set by our politicians will make dishonesty the most sought after commodity in the days to come!

I do hope one day new awakening will spread in this country and we will have new Anna Hazare who will lead this country to greater heights in character. Till then, May God bless this beautiful country!

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