Puppy Talk, developed by Pico Brothers, is a QT based mobile application for Symbian users which repeats whatever you say in a high pitched sound. The name should not be used to determine what it does, no cute barks as made by a pup :p . Puppy Talk can be a great companion for your young one’s (or even you) to pass time by hearing what you say in front of mobile phone in a different way.
There isn’t much to describe about Puppy Talk other than the fact that the application gets activated as soon as you click on the app icon and the puppy on home-screen (as shown in screenshot) starts repeating the words you say without any need to activate/deactivate the same. No options to play with, it’s what I described above, simply a voice repeating app with an adorable puppy on home-screen!
You can download the latest version of Puppy Talk for free from Ovi Store.
Looks like talking tom on android OS. I guess every one just replicates the idea.