HomeAppsQuick Office: View/Create/Edit Document/Spreadsheet/Powerpoint Files On Your Mobile

Quick Office: View/Create/Edit Document/Spreadsheet/Powerpoint Files On Your Mobile

In my earlier article I reviewed Mobisystems OfficeSuite and concluded by saying that barring few bugs it was a good Mobile Office Suite. In this article, i’ll be sharing with you yet another Office Suite, Quick Office a worthy competitor of Mobisystems OfficeSuite. One of the problems that i faced while using Mobisystems OfficeSuite was unexpected crashes while editing/creating a document. This was a major problem for me as i had lost quite a number of articles while writing in OfficeSuite and this forced me to look for an alternative. Quick Office was the only available (worthy) alternative which has been providing Mobile Office solution to smart-phone users for a long time.

Quick Office Review

The installation size is 4 Mb (tested on Nokia 5230) and the application installs itself on Phone memory which, i believe isn’t necessary as it could run from memory card also and save some space on already depleting phone memory. Once installed Quick Office requires a restart of your mobile (Maybe to create file associations) after which it can be used. The documents, spreadsheets and powerpoint presentations can be opened directly without opening the application first. The home-screen of Quick Office acts as a file explorer (to open files) as well as allows you to create a new Document,

Spreadsheet or Powerpoint presentation with just one click (or tap!). The file explorer although a basic one has 2 very important functions i.e Ability to create new folder and sort out files according to size, date, etc, I found both these functions to be very useful.

Quick Office as the name suggests provides you with a Quick solution to your office needs on the mobile phone. It has almost all the necessary functions required to edit/create any document/spreadsheet/powerpoint presentation. Some of the important, worth mentioning functions of Quick Office are:

  • Basic Cut/Copy/Paste feature.
  • Ability to insert Tables, images, etc.
  • Easy Navigation.
  • Support for .doc, .docx, .docm, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pps and .xlsm.
  • Basic formatting i.e Bold, Itlaic, underline, font style, colour and size, etc.
  • Create/Edit/Delete/Reorder Rows and Columns in Spreadsheet.

Besides the above mentioned features Quick Office also does many more tasks which are not ground breaking additions but certainly add to the functionality of this mobile application. Talking about the vast number of features it provides, while creating a Spreadsheet Quick Office allows you to use functions as well and it’s very easy to apply the required function as the cells are properly highlighted, I even created a small demo spreadsheet to show how simple is it to use functions (See image on the right).

To sum up, i really liked Quick Office for tweaking my documents and excel sheets. However, editing/creating powerpoint presentations is a bit difficult but i would consider that as a limitation of my Nokia 5230 (and N97) rather than blame it on the application itself. Adding to this, since the time i have been using Quick Office, there has been not even a single unexpected crash resulting in data loss, the problem that i faced with Mobisystems OfficeSuite.

Quick Office is a paid application and costs $ 19 for Symbian OS; $ 19.99 for Android OS; $ 19.99 for iPhone OS; $ 29.95 for Blackberry OS and $ 15 for Palm OS. The trial version of Quick Office is available and can be downloaded from the official website of Quick Office.


  1. It’s not so fair to compare OfficeSuite (version from 09.2010) with QuickOffice (version from 09.2011).
    I use OfficeSuite, and the last 5th version, released few weeks ago, is perfect for me. I’ve never lost the changes, made to my docs even offline. And I work with my docs every day on my Motorola Xoom. I’ve tested many similar apps, but If we talk about competition – I think the only app., that may fight with OfficeSuite is Docs to go.


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