HomeAppsShaadisaga Android App Launched For Wedding Planning

Shaadisaga Android App Launched For Wedding Planning

Marriages in India are lavish and hectic affairs. Right from inviting guests to receiving them, attendinng to them and making arrangements for their comfortable stay and good food is a hell of a job. You end up not only spending lot of money, but it also entails spending your precious time to organise all these activities.

To enable you to enjoy the weddings of your loved ones, Shaadisaga app for Android devices have been launched. This is a personalized app to send wedding Invitation to the guests, keep them updated with all the wedding details like- events, locations and gather all the memories, once they join your wedding app. You can see your wedding from the standpoint of your guests, and collects wedding photos from all your guests in one place.

wedding_handsOnce your guests have downloaded the app, they can interact with guests from both sides, share stories & photos. They can see the event details & be updated with all the wedding details. Guests can be a part of multiple weddings from a single app, using a unique identifying code for each wedding. The feature ‘get directions’ will assist your guests to reach the destination hassle-free.

This  also help you to find quality service providers for your wedding, that is, photographer, makeup artists and many others. You can find inspiration and ideas to appmake your wedding a dream affair.

“It is our constant aim at Shaadisaga to find new ways to leverage technology and make the wedding planning more efficient and convenient. The launch of this app is a step forward in the direction. It helps to bring all the wedding excitement to a single place, that is your phone and make weddings a lot more fun. The couple can pull together hundred of wedding photos from their guest’s phone and get to see their own wedding through their guest’s perspective,” says the Co- Founder and CEO, Himanshu Kapsime.

You can download the Shaadisaga app here : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shaadisaga.android



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