HomeAppsSMSTweet: Send/Publish Tweets On Twitter Via SMS

SMSTweet: Send/Publish Tweets On Twitter Via SMS

Twitter has been growing at an immense pace since its launch. Many mobile application like Gravity, Snaptu, etc have made the use of twitter while travelling possible. However, there are times when you are not able to access Internet and/or GPRS/3G aren’t that cheap and In such a case owing a high end smart phone like Blackberry Torch or Nokia N97 mini won’t matter. If you face such a situation and reside in India then there is a good alternative available to post tweets, Read Replies and check Direct Messages without the use of GPRS/3G.

Smstweet allows you to post your updates to twitter just by sending an SMS to one its Indian Mobile numbers. Checking replies (from a particular user or all), Direct Messages is possible over SMS via Smstweet. The best part is, you only pay for national sms charges (local sms charges applicable for residents of Banglore and Mumbai) instead of premium rates. Activation of Smstweet is easy, follow either of the following mentioned steps:

  • Send an sms “REGISTER” (without quotes) to any of the following numbers:
    • 09220092200 (Mumbai), or
    • 09243000111 (Bangalore)
  • OR

  • By directly visiting Smstweet Twitter Authorisation link.

Once you register yourself with Smstweet you’ll receive few sms’s from Smstweet regarding the process and commands used while publishing tweets via sms (very easy to follow and implement). In case you still get confused over its usage, follow the following commands:

  • TWT XYZ [Write your message in instead of XYZ] – Use this command to post a tweet to your profile. The message must be 140 chars or less. You will get the most recent mention of yours in reply on successful posting.
  • TWUP [N] [username] – Returns most recent tweet from your home timeline. If N, a number from 1 to 100, is specified then the Nth tweet will be returned. If username, any user that you follow, is specified then recent tweet from this user will be returned. TWME [N] Returns most recent mention of yours. If N, a number from 1 to 100, is specified then the Nth tweet with your mention will be returned.
  • TWDM [N] – Returns most recent direct message (DM) that you have recieved. If N, a number from 1 to 100, is specified then the Nth direct message (DM) is returned.

NOTE: You need to send a sms with any of the above mentioned commands to 09220092200 or 09243000111.


  1. Yeah right… And as i said, Smstweet is more of a free service since most of the telecom operators have sms scheme’s that provide hundred’s if not thousands of free sms’s per month!

  2. This is awesome app.. I’ve used it from quite a while now … and free if your have free sms 🙂


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