HomeAppsTransparent Screen - App That Makes Sure You Keep An Eye On...

Transparent Screen – App That Makes Sure You Keep An Eye On Road Whilst On Mobile

How many times has it happened with you that you are busy with your phone while walking and almost took a fall because of that unnoticed pebble that came in your way?

Yep, It has had been a case for me and I believe that you too must have had a similar experience. Well, the way out is to put the mobile into your pocket and concentrate on the path but this is easier said that done 😉

A better alternative is to take the help of Transparent Screen android app. An app to ensure that you don’t take a fall while using an app. Confusing, Eh?!

Transparent Screen, as the name sounds, is an application developed by Sascha Affolter, which once activated, make the screen on your android phone translucent and in the background shows the path you are walking. What Transparent Screen does is, it captures or I should say live stream’s using the mobile phone’s camera and displays the same on the mobile screen BUT with a degree of transparency.

All you have to do is, “Start” the app and then carry on with other activities on your device. You’ll be able to see where you are walking and at the same time do all the tweeting, facebook’ng, et al!

Personal Experience

I did test this app for a while, though I do more of driving that actual walking, and found it to be extremely useful. There’s no doubt about its usefulness. However, getting used to the translucent screen will take some time but i believe it’ll be worth it in the end.

The Downside

To be frank there’s nothing “down” about this app. It does what it claims. Though, there are 2 things which I am including here just to convey it to the developer:

  1. The resolution, when set above 320 (length) results in lag of the camera stream. Though the developer has specifically mentioned about it but if he could work on it then we can enjoy a better quality view.
  2. This is one is a bit ridiculous but I am including it just for the sake of it. When video’s are played with Transparent Screen activated, the rear camera stream sticks in the middle of the video rather than being in background.

Apart from these 2 (not a deal breaker though) negates, Transparent Screen is a great app indeed. All those who do “mobile walking” (nice term, no?!), Transparent Screen is a must have application for your Android. Install it now!

Transparent Screen has 2 versions, the free one (with ads, NO start at system boot) and PRO version (NO ads, start at system boot). Install the free version first to see if it does suit you and then grab the paid version 🙂

Transparent Screen (Free) – Android Market Link

Transparent Screen PRO – Android Market Link


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