HomeAppsVserv.mobi Empowers Print Publishers With Its Appification Initiative

Vserv.mobi Empowers Print Publishers With Its Appification Initiative

Vserv.mobi has  announced its successful strategy in helping more than 30 leading print publishers to appify their content across emerging markets.  The Appification intitiave of Vserv.mobi offering, has seen premium print publishers such as Rajasthan Patrika, Vaartha, India Today, Pioneer Book Co, Vikatan Group, Asianet, Bindiya Group, Upkar Prakashan, Eenadu, EFY Group, Cyber Media Group, Detikcom, Wolipop, Antara News, Suara Merdeka, KasaKusuk amongst others, getting benefitted from the strategy to appify their content in emerging markets, coinciding with the high growth of mobile internet users.

image005“Towards the beginning of 2013, we realised the potential that the consumption of content on mobile was the next big phase in the industry. With print readership migrating, content publishers were looking at various models of approach to address the growing shift of audiences in emerging markets. With the rise of mobile internet users, the solution was to create an “app”ortunity that will benefit the industry.” said Prashant Dixit, Director – Global Business Development, Vserv.mobi. The “App”ification initiative was to engage with traditional news, magazines and other content publishers, and bring them a strategy that we believed was going to be the next big thing in the mobile universe. Over the past year, we have “app”ified over 100 publications in multiple languages across categories like women, technology, health, media, news, sports etc. Today, Vserv plays the role of the catalysts to the growth of the mobile app ecosystem by helping publishers and brands leverage the mobile medium effectively.”

Through this appification initiative, Vserv.mobi has played a pivotal role in enabling content for publishers across languages such as English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Bahasa, Malay, Swahili and many more to be added soon. Aligning with the target audience of the publishers, the appification strategy has been devised across operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows etc. Vserv.mobi will roll out over 100 apps across languages, categories and operating systems with this initiative.


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