HomeBusinessACT Fibernet Enhances Data Limits of All Plans at No Extra Cost...

ACT Fibernet Enhances Data Limits of All Plans at No Extra Cost in Chennai

ACT Fibernet, India’s largest non-telco and 3rd largest ISP (internet service provider) in the wired broadband category, has announced today that it has enhanced the data limits for all broadband plans for all its customers in Chennai beginning 1st August 2017, free of cost.

ACT Fibernet is combining the upload FUP and Download FUP limits into one monthly data limit. Under the retail customer plans, ACT Basic will be upgraded to 80 GB total FUP limit with 30 Mbps speed from its current 40 FB Upload FUP and 40 Gb download FUP. Similarly, ACT Blaze will be upgraded to 200 GB data limit with 75Mbps speed, ACT Storm will be upgraded to 260 GB data limit with 75 Mpbs speed, ACT Lightning will be upgraded to 350 GB data limit with 90 Mbps speed, ACT Thunder will be upgraded to 450 GB data limit with 100 Mbps speed and ACT Incredible will be upgraded to 700 GB data limit with 150 Mbps speed.

Similarly, under the SOHO (Small office, home office) plans, ACT SME Swift will be upgraded to 900 GB data limit with 150 Mbps speed, ACT SME Flash will be upgraded to 1100 GB data limit with 200 Mbps speed and ACT SME Force will be upgraded to 1400 GB data limit with 200 Mbps speed.

Speaking on the new plans, Mr. Bala Malladi, CEO, Atria Convergence Technologies Pvt Ltd commented, “It is our constant endeavour to provide the best internet experience to our customers through super-fast speeds and enhanced data limits. We are combining our download and upload FUP into total data transfer FUP. This will liberate our customers and provide them significantly enhanced FUP, allowing them the freedom to use internet based on their needs and purpose.”

Details of old plans vs. new plans:


Till 31 Jul ‘17

From 01 Aug ‘17
RESIDENTIAL PLANS Speed Post FUP speed Monthly rental Monthly download FUP Monthly Upload FUP Revised FUP

(data limit = download FUP+ upload FUP)

ACT Basic 30 Mbps 512 Kbps 799 40 GB 40 GB 80 GB
ACT Blaze 75 Mbps 512 Kbps 999 100 GB 100 GB 200 GB
ACT Storm 75 Mbps 512 Kbps 1099 130 GB 130 GB 260 GB
ACT Lightning 90 Mbps 512 Kbps 1299 175 GB 175 GB 350 GB
ACT Thunder 100 Mbps 512 Kbps 1499 225 GB 225 GB 450 GB
ACT Incredible 150 Mbps 1 Mbps 1999 350 GB 350 GB 700 GB


CHENNAI Till 31 Jul ‘17 From 01 Aug ‘17
SOHO PLANS Speed Post FUP speed Monthly rental Monthly Download limit Monthly Upload Limit Monthly data limit (Download + Upload)
ACT SME Swift 150 Mbps 2 Mbps 2999 450 GB 450 GB 900 GB
ACT SME Flash 200 Mbps 2 Mbps 3999 550 GB 550 GB 1100 GB
ACT SME Force 200 Mbps 2 Mbps 4999 700 GB 700 GB 1400 GB



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