HomeAppsAdvanced Explorer - "Shiny" Android File Explorer App

Advanced Explorer – “Shiny” Android File Explorer App

File Explorer’s are mostly installed as part of manufacturer customization in android based devices. And they do provide the basic file operation functionality. However, with the presence of other, not so related files/folders, there are times when you do get lost while searching for the file you want.

This is where Advanced Explorer comes into play. Advanced File Explorer android app is like a one stop place to access all that’s there in your mobile phone, music, videos, photo’s, applications (installed), documents (including PDF’s). Plus the pro version offer tools like app manager, maintenance mode, task manager. None of which are impressive to shell out money for.

The app works on a very simple principle, it scans through the entire memory and categorizes them accordingly. Thus allowing you to easily access the content present in your android phone graphically, without the need of manually locating them.

All in all the app was impressive but way too limited in terms of functionality. Agreed it offers graphical way of accessing content but there were times (a lot many) when I had to fall back to using other file explorer to get what I was looking for. Moreover the biggest disappointment was the absence of basic file operation functionality. Defeats the whole purpose of being tagged as a “file explorer”.

Nice app and I do hope developers do take it to the next level and integrate basic cut/copy/paste functions.

Advanced Explorer for android is available for free in Google Play store and can be downloaded using the image link given below:


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