Entrecard is an advertising platform for those who still have a long why to go in order to establish themselves in blogging world. It allows its users to advertise their blog(s)/Sites by placing a entrecard widget on their blog. Rest of the process is handled by entrecard (Its basically automated, which i plan to explain in upcoming post). In order to advertise for your blog your blog, you must have some Entrecard credits in your account.
There are 3 ways of earning these credits :-
- By displaying ads of other entrecard members,
- By dropping on other entrecard users widget (Which is a very boring process and requires you to visit their blog) &
- Directly purchase entrecard credits in exchange for real money.
Now the first 2 points are very time consuming. However, the 3 point allows you to purchase the credits directly without wasting anytime and soon after purchasing the credits you can start showing your ad across the entrecard network. In a recent move, Entrecard is offering users to purchase entrecard credits at hlaf the prices. This offer is for a limited time only, they are lowering the price of entrecredits by 50%.
Below are the new rates :
4,000 credits = $12
8,000 credits = $23.20
16,000 credits = $44.80
32,000 credits = $84.40
64,000 credits = $166.40
In order to avail this offer visit the login (Special) page of Entrecard HERE and click on the “buy more” link on the top right hand corner.
Personally speaking, i have never tried advertising with entrecard. However, it looks to be a good medium of advertising. If you are a user of entrecard, dont forget to share your experience with them.
@Matt Hanson Thanks for the appreciation ! I hope i can keep up with your expectations.
Good writing. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed my Google News Reader..
Matt Hanson