HomeAppsHike's Natasha Virtual Friend Will Educate Users on COVID-19

Hike’s Natasha Virtual Friend Will Educate Users on COVID-19

In this hour of mammoth crisis of Coronavirus, Hike app has designed very useful feature within the Hike user experience to spread awareness and give users a morale boost in the wake of an unprecedented lock-down and pandemic.

Natasha, the virtual friend for every Hike user apart from being a constant companion while you stay safe at home is also doing the following to help you stay updated on the right facts about COVID-19:

  1. For every COVID-19 related keyword typed by users, while speaking to Natasha, she shares the real-time updates on the virus and the correct stats along with leading them to the advised source of information gathered from https://www.covid19india.org/
  2. The above feature has been added keeping in view of current situation in the country. Besides above Natasha will continue to send morning messages to remind users of important milestones, days and to celebrate local festivals. Using this relationship with Hike users, Natasha has also been sending morning messages to remind users about Government advisories like social distancing, Janta curfew and more.


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