HomeTipsHow To Determine Whether a Site/Blog Has Been Banned By Yahoo

How To Determine Whether a Site/Blog Has Been Banned By Yahoo

The post title might sound weird to you as you might not have heard of any such case wherein a site or a blog has been banned by yahoo. However like other similar search engines viz google, Bing, yahoo too regulates the websites listed by it and is particular about the quality of websites listed by it.


Now in order to determine whether a site has or has not been banned by yahoo, try the following mentioned steps:

  • Use Siteexplorer and search for your blog address (with and without www. prefix).
  • See if your blog’s ip address is blacklisted or not.
  • Do a yahoo search for eg. yourdomain.com . If it doesn’t show your blog’s address as the 1st result, then chances are that the blog is banned or not indexed at all !
  • If your site/blog is new then wait for another month or so as it takes time for the spiders to index your blog.

I hope you are able to find out if your blog is banned or not and i also hope that not even a single reader of this post has a blog banned by Yahoo (or google) provided its a genuine one and not some crappy link farm or automated blog !!!


  1. Look banning a blogspot ip means banning google’s ip address. In case of blogspot blog’s generally the blog address is blacklisted. And as fas as advertisement is concerned, yes it affects the way ppl perceive yahoo but there is no major effect as google gives better results than yahoo.

  2. i didnt got 2nd point ,
    See if your blog’s ip address is blacklisted or not.
    like i have a blogspot blog , so there will be many blogs having same IP
    so how can this be determined ,But this penalty may still matter coz again yahoo are constantly bringing many ads on telivision which may force people to yahooing instead of googling 😀 ,i but love google organic traffic
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  3. @ Tech-Freak Stuff You are right, ppl rarely use Yahoo but still yahoo search has some portion in online search i.e around 6-7 % and ranking well in yahoo can certainly get you some traffic.

  4. Great post, very informative. Have learned a lot from your site.
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  5. I knew that we could check this with Google, but checking for Yahoo dint really strike my mind. Anyways, people rarely use Yahoo these days
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