IMDB short form for Internet Movie Database is one of the most visited web portal by movie fanatics. I, being, a movie freak too, visit this site often to get information about the latest releases, casts, ratings, etc. Though IMDB is a great source to get all the movie related information, but IMDB hasn’t thought about the usage of its site on mobile phones (smartphones especially). What’s even more sad is that, they haven’t made any application for Nokia users (an application is there for iPhone and Windows mobile).
The good news for Nokia owners is, there is an un-official application/widget available for IMDB. This widget has been developed by Markus Meriluoto with the help of the service built by Jeffrey Tummers. It allows you to search IMDB for:
- Movies,
- Episodes,
- People (celebs, etc.)
In short pretty much everything you, as a movie freak, would be interested in while travelling.
How to download this application
This is more of a widget than an application. Therefore it’s available with an .wgz extension. In order to get this application, choose any one of the following options;
- Visit the author’s website to get the latest release and install it on your mobile phone.
- Download version 0.1 from here.
This application is compatible with almost all the Nokia Phone’s running s60v5 (viz. 5800, 5230, 5233, N97, N97 (mini), X6, etc) i.e touch based mobile phone’s.
My Review
I used this application for a while. Although, its good for searching title’s, people, etc however, it lagged some features like user reviews, list of latest releases, upcoming releases, etc. Factors that i consider as important as any other existing one’s. Besides at the bottom of every page, there is a section that asks for payal donation (i support it but should be limited to download page) which takes away the charm. And one last thing is the page rendering, the application messes up the title (refer image below) which looks ugly (maybe because IMDB doesn’t support API). All in all, I’d prefer you to give this application a try and appreciate the author’s efforts in making this app.