HomeAppsIRCTC App Is Now Available on BlackBerry Smartphones Running BB10

IRCTC App Is Now Available on BlackBerry Smartphones Running BB10

BlackBerry has announced today the launch of IRCTC application for train bookings on BlackBerry smartphones running on BB 10 OS. With this app, the users can now make train bookings along with a host of other services by a single tap of a button.

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Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), is a subsidiary of the Indian Railways that handles the catering, tourism and online ticketing operations of the railways. E-ticketing through IRCTC website www.irctc.co.in has revolutionized the way common man can book the railway tickets without satnding in serpentine ques. This has been the biggest success story of e-governance in India. IRCTC recently launched next generation e-ticketing system, which enhances the booking capacity to 7200 tickets per minute against 2000 tickets in the old system.

With the proliferation of internet enabled smartphones in India, more and moe consumers are using the service oriented applications. In this scenario, the application has been developed in collaboration with IRCTC for BlackBerry devices. Apart from train bookings, the application also provides passenger information, booking history, recent history, cancellation, add to favorites etc.

“We are excited to bring the IRCTC application to BlackBerry World. With the increasing smartphone perpetration and the increasing dependence on mobile applications, it is a great opportunity for us to help our customers experience this app for an easy and streamlined train booking service,” said Annie Mathew, Director, Business Development and Alliance, BlackBerry India.

The application is now available and can be downloaded by all BlackBerry BB10 users from  BlackBerry World  from BlackBerry smartphones.


  1. 90+ % of Irctc users are on Android, and irctc is busy focusing on windows and BB app ,
    Miss placed priorities .


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