HomeTipsPerfect Utility To Find Icons For Websites & Blogs

Perfect Utility To Find Icons For Websites & Blogs

Its pretty hard to find out new icons ( Favicons ) for your blog(s) or websites. Although there are numerous tools that allow you to construct your own icon but it requires hard work.

I, myself faced a lot of problems while looking for a suitable favicon for my blog TechVorm however, couldnt find one and therefore had to construct it. At that time i wasnt aware of the site named Iconfinder.I came across this site while searching for favicons on google.

Icon finder is basically an icon search engine, which can allow us to find prefect icons for blogs, websites, etc. Once you open the site page you will see a search page like this :-


All you need to do is just search for the kind of icon you need and it will display the matching results to you !!

You can select to download the icon in two formats i.e. .ico or .png . This means you can use these icons like a favicon and add them to your blog or website.

There is also an option to browse their Icon set. They have somewhere close to 154 icon sets ( at the time of writing this post ). You can search them by browsing Iconfinder site or by clicking this direct link.

IconFinder Set

Do share your experience, of using this service, with us.


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