HomeTipsTranscript Of Chat With Fatcow Online Support (Part 3 of 3)

Transcript Of Chat With Fatcow Online Support (Part 3 of 3)

This post is the last one in 3 part series in which i promised to review the Fatcow’s online support. In my previous articles i wrote about the conversation’s i hadfatcowimg with fatcow support before and after purchasing the hosting plan and how my blog, TechVorm, remained inaccessible for almost a week. If you havent yet read the previous articles in this 3 part series then do so and get an idea as to what type of service you are going to get from fatcow, if are planning to purchase hosting from them.

Transcript of Chat With Fatcow Support

Transcript of Chat With Fatcow Support (Part 2 of 3)

After my horrendous experience with them, i decided to try one last time and see if i am saved from the misery of transferring to yet another host. I did another online chat with them and got the following response :

Paritosh: for the last 5 days i have been trying to transfer wordpress blog from previous host to fatcow and havent succeded yet
Paritosh: typo *yet

Operator: Are you downloaded the files from old servers to your local computer and uploaded it to new servers?
Paritosh: i have uploaded wordpress files to fatcow servers and need assistence in uploading database, which unfortunately i havent got from your so called customer support
Operator: Okay.
Operator: May I place you on hold for 2 to 3 minutes while I review your account?
Paritosh: sure
Operator: Thank you for holding.
Operator: You can use phpMyAdmin, please upload the database. To learn more about uploading the database via phpMyAdmin, please go to:
Operator: http://www.fatcow.com/knowledgebase/category.bml?c=389
Paritosh: see i am not a technical person and have no understanding of these terms. If you can do it on my behalf then its well and good else i might have to ask for refund
Operator: Paritosh, then upload the database files to the root of your Web directory and contact to us with the database name where exactly you import the database so that we will do it for your.
Paritosh: see i havent yet touched my hosting account at fatcow all i can do is upload backed up wordpress files and database. If you can setup my wordpress using them else i am left with no option.
Operator: We can’t do anything with our proper information. That’s why I asked you to upload the database files to the root of your Web directory and contact to us with the database name where exactly you wish to import the database.
Paritosh: okay then i am uploading will give u the link shortly
Operator: Okay.
Operator: Once you upload the database files to the root of your Web directory and contact to us with the database name where exactly you wish to import the database.
Operator: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Paritosh: again i havent yet created any database, so how can i tell you where to import
Operator: Then we can’t do anything. Please download the database from the old hosting company and upload the database to new servers.
Operator: So that we will import the database for you.
Operator: In order to create the database, please go to:
Operator: http://www.fatcow.com/controlpanel/MySQL/index.bml
Paritosh: i have downloaded the database from previous host
Operator: Then upload the database to new servers and gave the exact path where you are uploaded.
Operator: Then give the database name where exactly you wish to restore the database.

After reading the conversation you would have noticed that the support is only helpful for providing support via already written knowledge base. and besides that the response time is very poor. After almost every other question i ask the operator asks me to tell him/her my complete name.


  1. I have no account with fatcow, and I have no affiliation with fatcow. But expecting them to tell you how to translate presumably incompatible database data is asking a lot.

    It would be different if their wordpress software didn’t work. But apparently it works, just not with the data from your other site.

    Perhaps for a couple hundred dollars, I would be willing to translate your database for you. Just kidding; you would probably blame the database when your PC malfunctions, and call me every day until I send you a new hard drive just to get you off my back.


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