HomeTipsTranscript of Chat With Fatcow Support

Transcript of Chat With Fatcow Support

TechVorm was previously hosted on a free hosting company. Sometime back i decided to move to paid hosting and purchased 1 year hosting plan form Fatcow. At that time, i knew almost nothing about hosting and stuff, and purchased the hosting from Fatcow just because of their lucrative advertising and good pricing.Fatcow

But it turned out to be my worst experience. My blog remained non-operational for almost a week, i had no idea what was going on and the support didn’t help me in moving my wordpress files from previous host to Fatcow servers. In this and upcoming posts i am going to share my experience with the support of fatcow and in this procedure, am gonna share Transcript of my chat with their online support.

Here is the first chat i had with them before purchasing the plan :

Paritosh: can you assist me in transferring domain from old web host ?
Operator: Sure.
Paritosh: i was hosted on beaconhosting earlier
Operator: Could you please let me know the domain name to transfer us?
Operator: Okay.
Paritosh: sure www.techvorm.com
Operator: May I place you on hold while I review your account and get back to you within 2 or 3 minutes?
Paritosh: sure
Operator: whether you wants to transfer both the domain registrar and host to us?
Paritosh: i purchased domain from godaddy
Paritosh: i guess pointing name servers will be easy for me
Operator: Okay.
Operator: In order to point the name servers to us, you need to contact your current domain registrar and point the domain to ns1.fatcow.com and ns2.fatcow.com .
Paritosh: can you wait a sec while i do that
Operator: Once the domain name servers are changed, it will take 24-72 hours time for the new information to propagate to all of the DNS servers around the world.
Paritosh: okay
Operator: Please check the domain after the mentioned time period.
Operator: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

Paritosh: yeah
Paritosh: one more thing
Operator: Okay.
Paritosh: i was using wordpress on previous host
Paritosh: how do i transfer that to fatcow
Operator: You need to upload the WordPress files from your previous host to the account via FTP.
Operator: Please make sure to use the following settings for FTP:
Operator: 1) Host Name: ftp.fatcow.com .
Operator: 2) User ID / Login Name: Your account username.
Operator: 3) Password: Your account password.
Operator: 4) Port: 21.
Operator: 5) FTP Remote Host Directory: / or leave blank.

Paritosh: okay
Operator: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Paritosh: i have downloaded wordpress files from previous host, where should i upload it ?
Paritosh: and besides these files, do i have to download anything else ?
Operator: You need to upload it to your account using settings I have given.
Paritosh: isnt there a specific file where i have to upload these files
Paritosh: and i have read in some forum that i need to upload database too
Operator: You can create separate folder and then upload the WordPress files to that folder.
Paritosh: okay
Operator: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
Paritosh: and i have read in some forum that i need to upload database too
Operator: Yes, you need to create different folder for forum and database and upload the files in them.
Paritosh: noooo…….
Paritosh: i am saying for wordpress, do i need to upload database from previous host
Paritosh: are you there
Operator: Yes, I am with you.
Operator: May I place you on hold while I review your account and get back to you within 2 or 3 minutes?
Paritosh: okay
Operator: Thank you for holding.
Operator: You need to import database files from the old servers to your account.

Paritosh: no problem
Paritosh: and how do i Edit wp-config.php and create a new WordPress database.
Operator: Okay.
Paritosh: how do i Edit wp-config.php and create a new WordPress database.
Operator: You can edit wp-config.php file via FileManager.
Paritosh: can you do that for me before i upload it to your servers
Paritosh: i will really appreciate it !!
Operator: Unfortunately, we do not support Web site editing from our end. You can contact any Web designer.
Paritosh: it is just a wordpress file
Paritosh: wp-config.php
Paritosh: anyways thanks for the help

Now there are two things you should have noted in this conversation,

  1. The operator is wasting time by requesting me to wait for 2-3 minutes.
  2. I have to ask for things, the operator isn’t telling them, which should have been the case.

Also, it took a staggering 34 minutes just to know basic things, you can imagine how slow are they in responding.

Also note that i have replaced the name of person i was having chat to, with “Operator”.

UPDATE : I have now decided to write a series of 3 posts in which i am going to review the FatCow online support. This post is Part 1 of 3 post series.


  1. Fatcow Guy’s Are Just Looking Into the Database of FAQ and they answer.
    you need to buy premium support to get services like website transfer.
    you need to transfer it manually

    Steps to Transfer WordPress

    1) Make A DB Backup (Download That)

    2) Transfer Files to New Host

    3) Make A DB In New Host

    4) Insert Database tables(of backup DB) To New DB on New Host

    5) Change the DB Host,Username & Password In wp-config.php File.

    Thank’s Hope You This Help’s

  2. This was the reason why i joined expertrio ! I, myself couldnt believe that such a huge hosting company has such a crappy support. And yes, i am planning to review beaconhosting (free host) that i used sometime back.

  3. From this chat it appears that Fatcow guys are not aware of how web-apps function. If you know one app, you know the basics of all and WP is one of the simplest.

    – Database (DB) for the app
    – User having rights to use the DB
    – Password for the user to access DB
    – Location of DB
    – Setting/Config file that tell the app where these details are specified

    These are the most basic things.

    But I am eagerly waiting to hear about your experiences with different hosts. Hehe.


    .-= Ashish´s last blog ..Why I don’t blog more often =-.


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