HomeReviewsSamsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo Review - Affordable Iteration Of Original Note...

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo Review – Affordable Iteration Of Original Note 3

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the ultimate Android power house a smartphone user can dream of. It has top of the line specifications, a humongous screen size, mammoth battery capacity, runs the latest Android OS iteration and has all the extra Samsung goodies. The only downside being its premium asking price thus making it affordable to only a handful of users. In order to offset this, Samsung has introduced Galaxy Note 3 Neo, a stripped down version of Galaxy Note 3.


Since the Note 3 Neo is an affordable version of Galaxy Note 3 thus apart from altering inclusion of few features this devices looks and feels the same as the Note 3. In order to keep things simple and understandable, I’ll focus only on the areas in which Note 3 Neo difference from the original Note 3 and for the rest of the complete review, I’d request you to first read our extensive review of Samsung Galaxy Note 3,

Lo And Behold Samsung Galaxy Note 3! (Review)

Design Perspective

In terms of design language, the Galaxy Note 3 Neo is almost identical to Note 3 except for a minor alteration in screen size and overall weight of the device. First, Note 3 Neo has a display of 5.5″ inch as compared to 5.7″ inch display of Note 3. Although 0.2″ inch shorter but the difference is hardly noticeable in actual usage. Second, the Note 3 Neo is approximately 6 grams lighter than the Note 3 which weighs around 168 grams. Except for these 2 factors, the rest of the design sense of both the devices is similar, keeping devices next to each other, you won’t be able to make out the difference.

Display Quality


Although screen size differs marginally by 0.2″ inch, which is barely noticeable but it is the display quality which really differentiates the two devices. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo features a 1280 x 720p HD Super AMOLED screen and not a Full HD display as in the case of Note 3. This is affect the display quality to some extent but more so to those who have previously used Note 3. For those who haven’t the 720p display works very well!

Processing – Under The Hood Fire Power

This is another area where Samsung has cut down the specifications in order to lower the price tag. Note 3 Neo is powered by a 1.7 GHz Dual Core A15 and 1.3 GHz Quad Core A7 processor combinations whereas the Note 3 has two quad-core processors one of which is 1.9 GHz. Again the difference between these 2 devices is seen in performance tests only. In actual day to day usage, you’d hardly feel the change. All the set of games, videos and other activities I performed on Note 3, I was able to replicate the same usage patter on Note 3 Neo with no difference in performance.

Camera Performance


I am not really a lover of Android camera and till date appreciate what Nokia has to offer in this department 🙂 Thus limiting myself to mere on-paper specifications, while Note 3 offers 13 MP rear shooter, Note 3 Neo has a far less sensor of 8 MP. However the Note 3 Neo is capable of shooting Full HD videos @ 30 frames per second. I clicked a handful of images in daytime and the results were similar except when I had the image quality took a hit while zooming in a image captured using Note 3 Neo.

Battery Longevity

If you have already read my review of Note 3 then I need not tell you my love for its battery. It charges fast and lasts more! In comparison Note 3 Neo comes with marginally smaller cell of 3100 mAh whilst its bigger brother offered slightly larger battery of 3200 mAh. Not a great difference to talk about.


Final Word

I’d like to end my review with the very same thought I began with, Note 3 Neo is an affordable version of Galaxy Note 3. Barring changes in aforementioned aspects of design, power, battery, both the devices are identical. Note 3 Neo may look like an under-powered iteration of the original Note 3 but with respect to actual usage, the changes are barely visible (or noticeable).

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Neo In Pictures


  1. I, too< had problems with a Verizon WiFi (using the standard FiOS router). Once I ponied up for the $79.99 upgrade (which is mine to keep), everything was a lot "nicer" with the wireless part of the router. FYI, I have 2 laptops, 4 tablets and 3 smartphones all using this WiFi.

  2. Perhaps you might have scanned the net to discover the ongoing WiFi connect issues that have plagued many Note 3 owners like myself. I love the device but far too often my Note 3 simply won’t connect to my WiFi, defeating a very important service if, like me, you use your note mostly around your home office. The discussion has been especially busy in the Verizon discussions, where they recognize the problem but have no fix for it. They seem happy to blame Google or Samsung but don’t seem to take any responsibility for it themselves. What’s most disturbing to me is that they are selling a device with a known, serious flaw but not telling the buyer about the risk. I certainly hope they aren’t repeating this problem wit the Neo.

  3. Would be nice to have included the price differential that is mentioned all over the comparison review?!

  4. Great breakdown! I didn’t know they were coming out with a slightly stripped down version or I would have waited before purchasing my Note 3. However, if my wife decides she wants to upgrade this looks like a really good option. Thanks!

  5. Delete the comma in the first sentence. A lot of folks will quit reading after seeing it.

    Soon, Samsung will make a phone that covers every .1″ increment on the ruler. Big mistake.

  6. Hurtful? I don’t know. But largely irrelevant. I review essays for a living. But I can partition my problem space into Geek and Other. In Geek space, I recognize the possibility that a competent geek can give me useful but ungrammatical advice. It’s up to me, then, to choose to be anal about dragging in my old-fashioned framework about professionalism, excellence, etc., or to leave it outside the door.

  7. In regards to errors…Publishing material with your name on it, for all the world to see, is risky. A true professional would take the extra time to have their material corrected before putting their name on it. If I was hiring someone to be a journalist, and I looked at an application from a journalist such as this one, I would dismiss this person straight away. Having errors means they don’t have high enough standards to be a true professional. They clearly lack attention to detail, and may publish a story too fast without all the correct facts which could end up discrediting himself/herself and/or the publication that published the article. Being a professional means holding yourself to a high standard and doing the necessary hard work to create solid, factual, and relevant content. A person who would fearlessly publish this online, without due diligence, clearly has more growing to do as a professional. I hope these comments are helpful and not hurtful.

  8. I enjoyed the article and it has influenced my decision making process for picking a new phone. I’ll look closer at the Note 3 Neo.

  9. Nigel, had I being the writer….and you asked me this question…I would have told you that I was too busy with your mom and sister threesome…but I think the writer is very cool minded person

  10. If you know what it mean, or has crossed the point…does it really matter there are typo or grammatical errors? I think the the writer has explained the main points…and that’s what counts in my book. There are writers who so much focus on their writing skills yet forget to cover the main points. Those who are so focus on the errors…please understand the writer might have already graduated and doesn’t require to submit his paper to get graded.

  11. Your knowledge of the device is good. I appreciate the review in spite of typos. I understood because I focused on the substance. Thx for the article Parrish.

  12. I think everybody is allowed to make mistakes. Unfortunately I consumed my quota quite fast today 😉

    Nevertheless appreciate your concern!

  13. Darn it. I should have run a spell checker before rushing into it. Thank you for pointing out 🙂

    I am hoping future comments will be about the device and not my typos 😉


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